Review: The Baller by Vi Keeland

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I thought this was a typical second chance at love story, where the main characters realize that they really did not love the first person they were in a relationship with, that “true love” was what they felt for each other instead. Vi Keeland proved me wrong. She surprised me with a story I can relate to, one that feels real.

Both Brody and Delilah have loved and lost. I also thought “lost” meant both their former lovers were dead. I actually loved it that Vi gave Willow her own POV. That made the entire story more realistic for me, and made me want to read on (or maybe, skip to the end already, to see whether Brody chooses Delilah or Willow). The vulnerability infused in each character was heart-rending. Brody talking to Marlene on her death bed and him giving Marlene’s eulogy – both tear jerking scenes. Delilah visiting Drew’s grave? Likewise. This was exceptionally good. Vi kept me up until 2am, just to finish it. If I could’ve given it 6 stars out of 5 on Goodreads, I would have.

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